Pathfinders - Disruptive Technologies

Disrupt or be disrupted, the choice is clear. A bouquet of technologies has propelled a paradigm shift in business, governance and life. From the Information Age we have already moved into the Digital Immersion Age. Each of these technologies or a prudent combination of these have the capability of business transformation the digital transformation way. COVID-19 has taken us to the cloud enabled existence, proving the immense worth of disruptive technologies in an online, touchless, travel less yet intense business and social communication world. Blockchain technology, internet of things, robotics, drones, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence and cloud are the defining technologies. Driven by data, supported by 5G telecommunications with cutting edge computing capabilities and extracting intelligence through business logic & learning enabled algorithms is our present and our future.

What TechConPro has to Offer

Automation is a reality which cannot be wished away and strategy for digital transformation and its well calibrated achievement is the only road to success. Data is put at its core, the most valuable input and the ultimate value proposition & business differentiator. In this well proven scenario, disruptive technologies come into play. Uniquely placed by expertise in different verticals and with exclusive practitioners and subject matter experts in areas of IoT, Blockchain Technology, Drones, Big Data, Machine Learning / AI and the Cloud, we can conceptualize, research, create, execute, commission, operate and maintain any strategic project in specific areas of our specialization. Nikon being wiped out; Nokia being thrown in the wilderness and Microsoft missing out on mobility will give you a fair idea of what businesses can miss out on and how fast.

With products and platforms on board TechConPro and world class tech integrators in the team, we break all imaginable silos and create a technical expertise capital, which can stitch any technology solution for the future. Effort to formulate integrated solutions with domain and real life problems right in the centre, is the way we work and put life into our technology solutions. Wherever required Geospatial technology will be the underlying layer of the solution. Cutting-edge high-end solutions are not a one off affair, it has to be long drawn to give the right results and become robust. Customer engagement of this nature helps in continuous creation, iteration, improvement and delivery. At TechConPro every disruptive technologies solution starts with research. For us the project is a logical progression from concept, research to delivering the solution. A solution is not a product and a product is not a solution.


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A Data Company