Shankar Bazar, Kuberganj, Karwi, Chitrakoot
Ankit Tripathi
Scientific Officer
15 years, Forensics & Cyber Forensics Expert, Trainer, Forensic Investigator, Biometric expertise, Expert Testimony
- Expertise in Cyber Forensic Training.
- Examined various cases in cyber forensic field like Audio Verification, Video Verification, Audio Transcript, Mobile Forensic, Photograph Recognition.
Shankar Bazar, Kuberganj, Karwi, Chitrakoot
Educational Qualification
Technical / Management / Specialised degree |
Institution | Branch / Program | CGPA / Scores / Grades |
Year |
M.Sc. | SHUATS | SHUATS | 1st Division | 2017 |
B.Sc. | Allahabad University | Allahabad University | 2nd Division | 2015 |
Domain Expertise
Core Competency
Cyber Forensics
Complimentary Competency
Cyber Forensics
Professional Certifications
Professional Experience
Proficiency in Software/ product/ tools
FTK, Adobe Audition, Cellebrite UFED, MOBILedit, MobiKin and Many more
Domain | Experience (Total years / Details - last 5 years) |
Key Areas of Expertise | Contribution/ Role | Remarks |
Cyber forensics training |
Basic of Cyber Forensic Evidence How to maintain chain of custody when it’s come to Digital Evidence |
Securing of Digital Evidence, Limitations and handling of Digital Evidence, Mobile Forensic, Audio, Video Forensics |
Training imparted to more than 50 Students. |
Cyber forensic investigation |
Assisted in Many Big Corporate and Law Enforcement Agency in Procuring Evidences which is useful for Admissible in Court of Law. |
Mobile Data Extraction, Data Breach, Speaker Identification Audio and Video Verification |
Submitted more than 500 Reports 5 years of experience |
Papers published | Open-source/other technical contribution | Conferance | Keynote address/panelist | Links of online appearance |
National Publications |
Attended many National and International conference |
Educational Qualification
Technical / Management / Specialised degree |
Institution | Branch / Program | CGPA / Scores / Grades |
Year |
M.Sc. | SHUATS | SHUATS | 1st Division | 2017 |
B.Sc. | Allahabad University | Allahabad University | 2nd Division | 2015 |
Domain Expertise
Core Competency
Cyber Forensics
Complimentary Competency
Cyber Forensics
Professional Certifications
Professional Experience
Proficiency in Software/ product/ tools
FTK, Adobe Audition, Cellebrite UFED, MOBILedit, MobiKin and Many more
Domain | Experience (Total years / Details - last 5 years) |
Key Areas of Expertise | Contribution/ Role | Remarks |
Cyber forensics training |
Basic of Cyber Forensic Evidence How to maintain chain of custody when it’s come to Digital Evidence |
Securing of Digital Evidence, Limitations and handling of Digital Evidence, Mobile Forensic, Audio, Video Forensics |
Training imparted to more than 50 Students. |
Cyber forensic investigation |
Assisted in Many Big Corporate and Law Enforcement Agency in Procuring Evidences which is useful for Admissible in Court of Law. |
Mobile Data Extraction, Data Breach, Speaker Identification Audio and Video Verification |
Submitted more than 500 Reports 5 years of experience |
Proficiency in Software/ product/ tools
Domain | Experience | Areas of Expertise | Contribution/ Role | Remarks |
Papers published | Open-source/other technical contribution | Conferance | Keynote address/panelist | Links of online appearance |
National Publications |
Attended many National and International conference |