Drone Fundamentals
4 hours, Rs. 3.85K, Quad electronics, GCS, Types of Flights, Applications, Drone Laws and Safety
Ever since the importance of drones became prevalent, UAVs have gained enough momentum to make revolutionary changes in their technology. This course is designed to walk the learner through the fundamentals of drone technology, right from the basic principles of flying to the process of flying. The course is beginner-friendly, hence requires no pre-requisite to take up the course.
The course was initiated in 2015 the Challengers Club at SCEM. The entire course has been designed and improvised throughout 6 years. Version 4.0 has been developed in 2021.
2000 + students & working professionals Trained
150 + Certified.
Mangalore, Puttur, Hassan
Number of Lecture (L) hours and Practical (P) hours
1 lecture
Course offered by certified working professionals , 3 months complimentary technical support.
Course Curriculum Outline
Basics of drones, its parts and rules of drone
Online Examination
Certification Grade : 80%-100%
Pass Mark : 70%
Re-examination : Eligibility : 50%
Re-Course (For Free) : below 50%
Reference Materials
Drone Fundamentals Manual.
Course Learning Outcomes
Basic understanding of Principles of Flying, Basic electronics, Types of Flying, GCS, Drone Laws and Policies, Applications of drone technology
Complete curriculum
- Introduction
- History of Drones
- Types and Category
- Aerodynamics
- Multirotor
- Quad electronics
- Types of Flights
- Applications
- Drone Laws and Safety
Pre- requisites
Teaching pedagogies
Learning kit (course manual, workbook)
Discussion Forum
Online session
Tools Used
Online & Offline presentation tools
Lab Avaliability
Placement Potential
Drone Co-Piloting, Drone Junior Technician
Industry Associates
Terra Drone, Redbay, AeroMegh, Agrotech,RDL, Caliper, DTLabz, Aptra
Accademic Associates
SCEM, NITK Surathkal
Resource Persons
Course Coordinator
Midhin Jyothis
CEO, Flotanomers R&D Pvt Ltd
INR 3,850 per student and per course including certification exam fee (excluding taxes)
Number of Lecture (L) hours and Practical (P) hours
1 lecture
Course offered by certified working professionals , 3 months complimentary technical support.
Course Curriculum Outline
Basics of drones, its parts and rules of drone
Online Examination
Certification Grade : 80%-100%
Pass Mark : 70%
Re-examination : Eligibility : 50%
Re-Course (For Free) : below 50%
Reference Materials
Drone Fundamentals Manual.
Course Learning Outcomes
Basic understanding of Principles of Flying, Basic electronics, Types of Flying, GCS, Drone Laws and Policies, Applications of drone technology
Complete curriculum
- Introduction
- History of Drones
- Types and Category
- Aerodynamics
- Multirotor
- Quad electronics
- Types of Flights
- Applications
- Drone Laws and Safety
Pre- requisites
Teaching pedagogies
Learning kit (course manual, workbook)
Discussion Forum
Online session
Tools Used
Online & Offline presentation tools
Lab Avaliability
Placement Potential
Drone Co-Piloting, Drone Junior Technician
Industry Associates
Terra Drone, Redbay, AeroMegh, Agrotech,RDL, Caliper, DTLabz, Aptra
Accademic Associates
SCEM, NITK Surathkal
Resource Persons
Course Coordinator
Midhin Jyothis
CEO, Flotanomers R&D Pvt Ltd
INR 3,850 per student and per course including certification exam fee (excluding taxes)